Number: +255 693 392 923
Number: +255 693 497 446
Email: hassan@nasikiacamps.com
Number: +255 787 930 833
Email: info@nasikiatanzania.com
Country: Tanzania
Destination: Serengeti National Park
Style: Mobile Tented Camp
Number of Rooms: 10
Online availability: Click Here
Property Group: Nasikia Camps
The information provided has not yet been verified by the property
Nasikia Mobile Camp has 10 tents that remain mobile throughout the year, depending on seasonal reservation requirements and location of the wildebeest migration. We endeavour to retain the uniqueness and intimacy of the camp, whilst being directed by the location, wildlife and other factors of responsible tourism. 01 June – 31 October – located at Kogatende, in the far northern areas of the Serengeti. This puts us in a great position to game drive to the Kogatende and Mara Rivers in the hope of gaining a view as the herds run the gauntlet of crocodiles as they cross the rivers. This is typically ideal, especially between mid-July and mid-September each year.