A visit to the local village, Musampa, is a must if you want to learn more about the way of life of the people who inhabit the shores of Lake Kariba. The Tonga people are very happy to welcome you to their village and show you around. This is an eye-opening and fascinating experience, in which you will learn how the villagers live a subsistence lifestyle, reliant on the land and the water to survive. It’s a chance to gain profound insights into their rich cultural heritage and the close relationship they maintain with the natural world. Engaging with the Tonga people not only enriches your understanding of their way of life but also fosters a sense of cultural exchange and mutual appreciation.

Number: +263 77 230 7875
Email: wendy@musangosafaricamp.com, robyn@musangosafaricamp.com
Skype: swendyed OR steve.edwards54
URL: https://musangosafaricamp.com/contact/