Number: +255 27 2970717
Email: res@theafricantulip.co.tz
Whatsapp: +255 699 799 873
URL: https://theafricantulip.co.tz/#WELCOME
Country: Tanzania
Destination: Arusha
Style: Boutique Hotel
Number of Rooms: 29
Website: https://theafricantulip.co.tz/
Online availability: Click Here
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The African Tulip is an elegant and charming Luxury Boutique Hotel in the heart of Arusha. A warm and friendly welcome awaits guests who want to experience the best of Tanzanian hospitality. The hotel has been designed with safari travellers, business persons, families, honeymooners, elite and leisure travellers in mind. It has amenities of convenience whilst offering a high standard of luxury.
The hotel has 29 guest rooms, 7 of which are suites. The rooms are individually and stylishly decorated using warm African tones. A lot of African material and local art has been used reflecting the common thread that runs throughout the hotel which is one of consistence and quality.